Question Description

In this Discussion, you will conduct a literature review of your topic area, focusing on a research study that uses one of the qualitative approaches covered this week.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the reading materials about the different approaches in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Conduct your own literature search to find a published study that represents one of the Week 3 approaches. Remember, you may have to broaden your search terms to find an appropriate study.
  • Review the following resources before proceeding with your own article review

Document: R8360 Guidelines for Reading and Evaluating Qualitative Research Articles (PDF)

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Document: Example of How to Read and Evaluate a Qualitative Research Article (PDF)


My Topic: What are the specific problems and characteristic of different types of offender Reentry Programs Targeting Recidivism in the United States? (Please find an article on this topic to evaluate)

Contribute a 3-paragraph Discussion post in which you respond to the following:

  • Summarize the characteristics of the approach of the research article you chose during your literature search.
  • Summarize the research article, including the citation and sufficient information for your classmates and Instructor to locate the article.
  • Present a short critique of that article based on the “R8360 Guidelines for Reading and Evaluating Qualitative Research Articles” document.

*Locate and review two of the articles a classmate critiqued. Then, review the critique itself. Respond to your classmate and provide constructive feedback on his or her critique.

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