Prompt: The content of your Reflective Journal #3 should consider:
1) Consider who provides spiritual care, have you had an experience with spiritual care being provided by someone other than a designated spiritual provider?
2) What do you perceive as the role of the clinician as spiritual provider?
3) How do we as health and wellness providers provide spiritual care?
The purpose of the reflective exercises is to allow for analysis, synthesis and evaluation of nursing theory using guided questions. Reflection has been referred to as a process that happens internally, privately or in isolation (Hill & Watson, 2011). Also, reflection has been referred to as the examination of an issue of concern, as a consequence of experience, creating clarity and meaning in terms of self, and which results in a change of perspective ( Boyd & Fales, 1983).
Boyd, E. M., & Fales, A. W. (1983). Reflective learning: Key to learning from experience, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 23(2), 99-117.
Hill, M. & Watson, J. (2011). Creating a Caring Science Curriculum. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
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