Analyze one of the following concepts: “Advanced Practice Nursing,” “Leadership in Nursing Practice” or “Holistic Nursing Practice”

This is Due in 26th March


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Analyze ONE of the following concepts: “Advanced Practice Nursing,” “Leadership in Nursing Practice” or “Holistic Nursing Practice” in terms of the interrelationships of philosophy, theory, research, and practice.

The paper should be 7 pages/1750 words in length (including title page & reference page).

Paper should be written in APA format. Attention should be paid to proper grammar and correct spelling. 


· Title Page 

· Introduction of concept 

· Discussion of :

o Philosophy 

o Theory 

o Research 

o Practice 

· Analysis of concept in terms of interrelationship of philosophy, theory, research, and practice. 

· Conclusion 

· Reference Page 


1. There must be minimum of 5 References / citations. 

2. The references /citations should not be older than 5 years (2012 – 2017). 

3. References / citations must be written in APA Style. 

4. The References / citations must be from scholarly articles / textbooks/ journals and not from blogs. 

5. Wikipedia must not be used for references at all.

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