Please respond to the following:

Summarize the article’s major points.

  • Discuss the challenges to collaboration facing business and public health partnerships in relation to emergency preparedness.
  • Discuss the facilitators to collaborations between business and public health partnerships in relation to emergency preparedness.
  • What are some limits of business-public health partnerships in relation to emergency preparedness.
  • Discuss an example of a public health and business partnership by a business model in relation to emergency preparedness.

The assignment is to be written as a paper. One source should be given to support your response in addition to citing the assigned article. USE APA format, 12 font, double space, and write between 450 words maximum


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Buehler, J. W., Whitney, E. A., & Berkelman, R. L. (2006). Business and public health collaboration for emergency preparedness in Georgia: A case study.  BMC Public Health, 6 (285). doi: 10.1186/147-2458-6-285.

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