Find one public site within your own State/county and you can carry this data over to the Unit 8 assignment. Go to the public link chosen and choose a health issue i.e. Children with Special Health Care Needs. Review the data and evaluate it. Report your findings in a thorough, well-organized manner. For example, if you live in Los Angeles county, California, Ask yourself these questions as you gather your data: What can you assume from this health assessment? Take into consideration the population demographics used in Unit 4. What information contained in the report could help you in planning interventions in community health? What information could be used in public policy planning? Format your paper consistent with APA 6th guidelines. Be sure to list your sources of information at the end of your assignment. You should have at least 3 sources.


Financial Issues in Health Care Third Week Assignment Textbook: Essential of Health Care Finance. Seventh Edition. Jones & Bartlett. ISBN: 978-0-7637-8929-9

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a. Read The chapter 7: pages 157 to 179,: 1. Answer questions 1,2,3,4, in your textbook page 178 Note: Please Clarify, describe and explain carefully your answers.

b. Read The chapter 9: pages 197 to 226:

1. Answer questions 2,3,5,6,7 in your textbook page 208. Note: Please Clarify, describe and explain carefully your answers.

c. Read The Chapter 11: Pages 243 to 266 : 1. Answer the questions 1, 2, in your textbook page 264. Note: Please Clarify, describe and explain carefully your answers.

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