Create 1–2 page outlines of your response plan for three intervention scenarios.

Nurse leaders need to quickly identify a strategy for evaluating a nursing leadership problem and the dynamics related to the problem, in order to orchestrate intervention efforts and put together a plan of action that leads to stakeholder cooperation.

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By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Integrate key nursing leadership, management, and communication concepts into collaborative practice situations.       
    • (IMPORTAT) -Explain concepts of change theory and how it can be used as a tool to manage situations.
    • (IMPORTANT) -Describe an effective leadership style to address a problem.
  • Competency 2: Explain the accountability of the nurse leader for decisions that affect health care delivery and patient outcomes.       
    • (IMPORTANT) -Describe how outcomes or success of the style selected for each situation could be measured.
  • Competency 4: Apply professional standards of moral, ethical, and legal conduct in professional practice.       
    • (IMPORTANT) -Explain how professional and legal standards guide the effective nurse leader when making decisions.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in manner that is consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional.       
    • (IMPORTANT) -Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and current APA style.


Use the Capella library and the Internet to research change theory, leadership, and communication strategies. Use the Suggested Resources to research leadership and communication concepts and change theory.

  • The challenge in this assessment is to create a response plan for several intervention scenarios.      
    • There are three deliverables required for this assessment.

Rationale for this assessment:

Nurse leaders solve problems or resolve conflict on a daily basis. Understanding how change theory can be applied to a situation and examining various types of interventions in advance can relieve pressure on the nurse leader and improve the workplace environment and outcomes. Rehearsing potential interventions provides a mental toolkit on which to rely during stressful times.

Your management training workshop continues:

The second day of HR’s Nursing Leadership Workshop is designed to help you identify and practice effective responses and interventions to common problems and situations. Participants are presented with three scenarios and must create a response plan for each scenario, in the form of a 1–2 page outline.

Deliverables: Submit three Response Plans to complete this assessment.

  • Choose 3 of the 5 Intervention Scenarios linked in the Required Resources for this assessment.
  • For each scenario you choose, develop a separate Response Plan in the form of a 1–2 page outline. 
    • Label each outline using the example below:        
      • Example: Response Plan for School Nurse.

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