Please use your text,( Maisto, S. A., Galizio, M., & Coonors, G. J. (2021). Drug use and misuse (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, Inc) and   information from links posted with the questions, and any other resources you’d like to inform and support your answers. Good luck!

Please answer FOUR of the posted seven questions. Each answer should be at least one page and is worth up to 25 points. Details about expectations for full credit are at the bottom of this page. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

1) What are some ethical factors to consider when using placebo controls in experiments? What are some ethical factors in the administration of experimental drugs to patients? Can you think of ways that drug placebo effects can be incorporated into actual clinical care? 

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– Text Chapter 5

Link (Placebos without Deception) Links to an external site.

Link Links to an external site.(Ethical Deliberations) 

Link Links to an external site.(Ethics of Experimental Drugs)

Link Links to an external site.(Ethics of Trial Drug Use)

2) Considering that adults in the low socioeconomic classes have a disproportionately high rate of smoking, what do you think about the equity of the high tax rates that the federal and local governments impose on tobaccos products? Why do you think individuals below the poverty level and with less education have such high rates of smoking? 

– Text Chapter 7

Link Links to an external site.(CDC)

Link Links to an external site.(Washington Post)

Link Links to an external site.(Truth Initiative)

3) As part of a plea deal, Purdue Pharma recently pled guilty to 3 federal charges. Discuss their role in the opioid epidemic, your understanding of what they pled guilty to, and your opinion about what you learned. 

– Text Chapter 10

Link Links to an external site.(Reuters)

Link Links to an external site.(Oxycontin)

Link Links to an external site.(DOJ)

Link Links to an external site.(Legal)

4) What are some dangers of online pharmacies? What are some ways a person can take advantage of online pharmacies to obtain medications/drugs illegally? Do you think there is a way for online pharmacies to operate safely or will there always be too many loop holes?

– Text Chapter 14

Link Links to an external site.(NCBI)

Link Links to an external site.(Poison Control)

Link Links to an external site.(What you need to know)

5) Should psychiatric inpatients be able to refuse psychotherapeutic medications in some or in all situations? Why or why not? 

– Text Chapter 13

Link Links to an external site.(Refusing Medication)

Link Links to an external site.(Noncompliant Patient)

Link Links to an external site.(Legal Case Summary)

Link Links to an external site.(Psychiatric Times)

6) What does Ben Cort mean when he says that Colorado did not decriminalize marijuana, but commercialized it? What did you learn from this chapter? Do you agree or disagree with Ben? 

– Text Chapter 11

– Chapter 1.pdfDownload – Chapter 1.pdf

7) Provide a summary about what you learned about concentrates. Do you think they should be legal? If so, do you think they should be regulated and marketed more carefully than they are now – how? 

– Text Chapter 11

Chapter 5.pdfDownload Chapter 5.pdf


The criteria below will be used when evaluating your responses. As a rule, your responses should demonstrate reflective and critical thinking. 

1)  Responses demonstrate knowledge of the subject matter: Your responses should be meaningful – that is, they should indicate that you’ve reflectively and critically thought about the subject matter.    

2) Responses include precise statements supported by evidence (accuracy): Use the provided articles or other resources to support your arguments or opinions; remember to provide the source. Be sure to separate acknowledged, supported facts (bolstered by citations) from personal insights.  Both are valuable, but the two should be distinguishable in your writing.

For example:

  1. a)   Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability among the elderly” (Anspaugh, et al, 2006, p. 39)
  2. b)      Based on the news that I hear every day, I would argue that cancer is probably the leading cause of death.

3) Responses deal with the complexity of the issue; avoids oversimplification; responds to questions (depth). Responses should reflect the seriousness and gravity of the subject matter. Students should consider the intricacy or difficulty of the subject-matter and demonstrate the ability to expand upon ideas or opinions.  

4) Responses include correct grammar and spelling. Your attention to spelling and grammar will directly impact the meaning and value of your response. Take the time to proofread all of your responses.

5) Responses are understandable with clear meaning (clarity). When you write something, make sure that people will understand you. After you type a response, try reading it out loud. Sometimes sentences that seem to be okay when you’re typing don’t really work when you read them back.


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  1. Using a chart, compare the 4 primary classes of psychotherapeutic drugs (antipsychotics, antidepressants, anti-anxiety, and mood-stabilizers). Be sure to include at least 5 examples of each, why they are used, effect on the brain, possible side effects, and addiction potential.
  2. You have been asked to conduct an information session for parents of students entering 8th grade on Inhalants. Using the information in your text and the supplementary material from NIH, create a handout to give out at the session, highlighting the main points you will discuss with this group. 

Review the attached articles on energy drinks and steroids. Choose whichever topic is more interesting to you and provide an original response to one of the following:

1) Summarize the dangers of energy drink use and make note of any particular dangers for teens. Why do you think energy drinks are so popular? What were you most surprised to learn? Be sure to read the articles provided, to reference chapter 8 in your text, and feel free to use any other resources you’d like. Your original response must be at least 8 sentences. 

2) ) Summarize the dangers of steroid use and make note of any particular dangers for teens. What were you most surprised to learn? What can high school coaches/staff do to manage steroid use in student athletes? Be sure to read the articles provided and feel free to use any other resources you’d like. Your original response must be at least 8 sentences

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Maisto, S. A., Galizio, M., & Coonors, G. J. (2021). Drug use and misuse (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, Inc.



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1.You have been asked to present a workshop to middle school students on marijuana. The goal of the workshop is to educate the students on the potential dangers of this drug and reduce their likelihood of use/abuse until their frontal lobes are fully formed.

Develop a presentation highlighting what you believe the students need to know about marijuana. Be sure to include information about the adolescent brain, how marijuana effects the brain, physiological and psychological effects of marijuana, and tips/strategies for saying “no” when offered marijuana.

Remember: You are dealing with 6 -8th graders. Simplify the information so they can understand it.

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2.Compare and contrast the 4 types of Hallucinogens. Feel free to complete this assignment in whichever format works best for you (chart, outline, paragraphs, etc.). Because formats will differ I will not dictate a sentence length for the assignment, but please make sure your answer is thorough. 



Maisto, S. A., Galizio, M., & Coonors, G. J. (2021). Drug use and misuse (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, Inc.



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1. You work as a resident assistant at a university that has recently become a “smoke free” environment. You have a number of students in your dorm who you know are smokers. As the RA, you play a role in informing the students of this policy change at the school and providing students with appropriate information and resources.

You decide to have a meeting with your residents to discuss the policy change. You plan to address:

  • The rational for this change (Why is the college instituting this policy. You might address: acute and chronic impacts of smoking, the impact of passive smoking, etc.)
  • The pharmacology of nicotine
  • If the students want to try to quit or reduce their use because  of the new rules, what options do they have?

Create a PowerPoint presentation that you will use at this meeting. Remember that your population is college students.

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2. On page 254, our text states that “multiple types of factors influence the development of alcohol use disorder” and alcohol use disorder “is caused and maintained by a combination of biological, psychological, and sociological factors.” It goes on to include that alcohol use disorder cannot be understood unless “all the types of influencing variables” are considered. 

When a patient enters treatment for an alcohol use disorder, step one is the completion of a Biopsychosocial Assessment. Review the Biopsychosocial Assessment below and make a list of the biological, the psychological, and the social or sociological factors that you believe may be contributing to his alcoholism. Lastly, please write at least 6 sentences reflecting your recommendations for this individual. Recommendations can include professional interventions, personal interventions, legal interventions, family-based interventions, medical interventions, etc.

The identified patient (IP) is 44 year old divorced Caucasian male.  IP reported that he took his 3 children on vacation to Ocean City on 8/10/19. On 8/12/19 IP went to the beach with his kids and reported drinking 2 beers. Later that evening he took his kids out to dinner, where he reported drinking 3 nip size bottles of vodka. During their walk home the IP fell. Concerned citizens came to his aid and when they realized he was intoxicated they called the police. When the police arrived they took the IP and his children to the police department. IP’s mother in law drove from Pennsylvania to Maryland to pick up the children. At 11:00pm the IP was transferred to a local medical center where they performed a BAC test. 5 hours after his initial arrest. BAC was .321. IP was confronted on the fact that his recorded BAC does not accurately represent his reported alcohol consumption throughout the evening. IP admitted that he had consumed more alcohol than initially reported but was unwilling to elaborate on how much. After he was medically stabilized the police transferred IP to the local correctional facility. He appeared in front of the judge the following day and was released with 3 charges of endangering the welfare of a child. IP is divorced and had sole custody of his children leading up to the arrest.

IP reported that he had a normal upbringing and there was no abuse within the household growing up. However, he described his father as a “functional alcoholic” and stated that he was very strict with him and his brother. He reported that his mother drank socially and sometimes took medication to help her control anxiety.  His parents divorced when he was 15 years old and he stated that “it sucked.” He and his brother spent the week with their mother and the weekends with their father. IP noted that after the divorce his relationship with his father started to deteriorate and reported that he has not had a relationship with his father for the last 8 years. IP reported that his paternal grandparents were heavy drinkers. He shared that his brother doesn’t have any known substance use problems, but has been in treatment for a gambling addiction twice.

IP was divorced in June of 2015. IP was with his wife for 12 years and noted that they were happy with each other until they had children. He reported that his wife had complaints about his drinking and he feels that this contributed to their separation. IP reported that after their first child his wife told him that she did not want to be married and she did not want to be a mother. They subsequently had two more children. Children are currently 10, 8, and 6 years old.  IP currently has 3 counts of endangering the well fare of a minor. He reported that he has very limited supports in his life and his primary purpose is looking after his children and working.


Maisto, S. A., Galizio, M., & Coonors, G. J. (2021). Drug use and misuse (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, Inc.

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