1.      Provide a detailed overview of the steps required to provision (create) and launch an AWS Ubuntu-based server virtual instance. The steps may be listed in bullet points or complete sentences.

  1. What are the benefits of virtualization in a cloud environment? Discuss a minimum of three benefits in detail.

3.      describe in depth what the update and upgrade commands are doing (explain why it is important to run these commands, how often should these commands be run, where do the commands pull the updates).

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  1. What kind of account did you discover when you ran the whoami command? How do you know?
  2. Virtualization allows us to place the functionality of many servers into a single host while maintaining configurable levels of separation between all virtual machines. How do you believe virtualization could help in data center consolidation? What would you be leery about during and after any transition?
  3. Does virtualization increase the cybersecurity posture of the organization? If so, describe how and why. If not, describe how and why not.
  4. There are various virtualization options: bare-metal (Type 1) in which the hypervisors run directly on the hardware as their own operating systems, and user-space (Type 2) hypervisors that run within the conventional operating systems. Which of these options is more secure? Describe the vulnerabilities you believe exist in either Type 1, Type 2, or both configurations. What do you believe can be done to mitigate these vulnerabilities?



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