I have uploaded the resources to help complete this assignment in the files below. I have in files attached UNIT II, Unit lV  and UNIT V,  below. 

Instructions for assignment-Unit VI PowerPoint Presentation

  • Weight: 10% of course grade
  • Due: Tuesday, 05/09/2023 11:59 PM (CST)


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Personal Leadership Training Plan: Experience

In Units II, IV, and V, you contributed to the Personal Leadership Training Plan and focused on attributes, knowledge, and skills. In this unit, you will add experience to your plan.

Within your presentation, respond to the following points:

  • Explain the type of experiences you have had that will make you a strong leader.
  • Explain and evaluate your experience with organizational change. (This can be from your employer, club, church group, or family unit.) How did you facilitate the change, and was it successful?
  • How can you use Kotter’s 8-Step Process for organizational change during your future career?

Your completed PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. Additionally, a minimum of three peer-reviewed or academic resources must be used. Keep the text on the slides concise, and use the notes section to fully explain your ideas. All sources used must be cited and referenced according to APA style.

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I have uploaded the resources to help complete this assignment in the files below. I have in files attached UNIT II, Unit lV  and UNIT V,  below. 

Instructions for assignment-Unit VI PowerPoint Presentation

  • Weight: 10% of course grade
  • Due: Tuesday, 05/09/2023 11:59 PM (CST)


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Personal Leadership Training Plan: Experience

In Units II, IV, and V, you contributed to the Personal Leadership Training Plan and focused on attributes, knowledge, and skills. In this unit, you will add experience to your plan.

Within your presentation, respond to the following points:

  • Explain the type of experiences you have had that will make you a strong leader.
  • Explain and evaluate your experience with organizational change. (This can be from your employer, club, church group, or family unit.) How did you facilitate the change, and was it successful?
  • How can you use Kotter’s 8-Step Process for organizational change during your future career?

Your completed PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. Additionally, a minimum of three peer-reviewed or academic resources must be used. Keep the text on the slides concise, and use the notes section to fully explain your ideas. All sources used must be cited and referenced according to APA style.

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