Consider these six elements: international child labor, globalization and human rights, international working standards, global environmental issues, global outsourcing, and cultural diversity. give one example of whistle blowing. Critique how it was handled. Was it well done? Consider the impact the individual as well as the country. Was it a loss or gain the example? Conclude with the importance of understanding these issues as a business chooses to go global. How do business practice and corporate responsibility impact mor than the company bottom line? (1 CSU source included)

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Consider these six elements: international child labor, globalization and human rights, international working standards, global environmental issues, global outsourcing, and cultural diversity. give one example of whistle blowing. Critique how it was handled. Was it well done? Consider the impact the individual as well as the country. Was it a loss or gain the example? Conclude with the importance of understanding these issues as a business chooses to go global.  

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