Analyze operational decisions of healthcare organizations and the impact on business performance outcomes.
New changes in healthcare are causing rising concerns with how healthcare organizations may be performing. With that being stated, you will focus on the following areas as to explain and evaluate operational performance and market trends in this 21st-century healthcare dynamics.
Create a 2-4 page detailed research paper that provides at least 1-3 or more examples or explanations that will address the following healthcare issues:

Examine the importance of business ethics vs. social responsibility.Ex. Developing codes of conduct that is adverse to corporate social responsibility.
Compare and Contrast the use of data analytics in a data-driven society without the use of a proper IT software program to collect business intelligence.Ex. Some providers are not using current and more applicable software programs to analyze their data; instead, they are relying on memory and checking hard copies folders to analyze patient outcomes.
Explain the gap in making decisions and the validity of healthcare trends on performance without the correct data.Ex. Lack of using EMR or EHR may cause gaps in decision-making and accuracy of collecting appropriate data, which may subsequently impact performances and trends.

NOTE – APA formatting and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required. APA help is available from this link – APA.

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