Clinical Case Study Presentation :  Arthritis

Diagnosis, Symptom and Illness Management Presentations (35 Points) 

APA style, that I have access to be able to edit it and add the voices.

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You are to do a power point presentation using the following headings below. Present a typical patient with this disease process and how they would present to the office and how you would work up, diagnose and treat. Pictures are encouraged. You will be graded on professionalism and content. Slides need to have Voice Over (Your voice giving the presentation on each slide) Max 20 slides and Max 10 Minutes. Upload to Moodle.

 This may be done in groups of 2 students, both students must have their own voice included in the presentation(We put the voices). The voice of students should be 50/50 divided among the slides(We put the voices). Each student must submit final presentation individually and if done in group, the second person submitting please disregard the Turn it in score as it will say 100% and just add note with submission though Moodle of your partners name. (Group members must have same professor)

Late Assignment Policy

Assignments turned in late will have 1 point taken off for every day assignment is late, after 7 days assignment will get grade of 0. No exceptions

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