
The essential goal of the RN is to provide information and resources to assist the patient and family with chronic illnesses or disabilities so they can manage their own care over the course of the illness or disability.

Initial Discussion Post:

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  1. Compare and contrast the terms “disability” and “chronic illness”. What are the similarities and/or differences? Can they coexist? Give reasoning behind your evaluation.
  2. Discuss two (2) legal and/or ethical challenges or implications for patients and families with disabilities or with chronic illnesses, trying to achieve comprehensive self-management.
  3. Identify and state two (2) actions the RN can implement to help the patient and family achieve comprehensive self-management with a disability or with a chronic illness.

Base your initial post on your readings and research of this topic. Your initial post must contain a minimum of 250 words. References, citations, and repeating the question do not count towards the 250 word minimum.

 Lubkin’s Chronic Illness Impact and Intervention by Pamela Larsen (Chapter 14, Self-Management) may be of assistance with this topic.  Click on link to access.

LeBlanc, R., & Jacelon, C. (2016). Self-management. In P. Larsen (Ed.),   Lubkin’s chronic illness: Impact and intervention (9th ed.). Retrieved from

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