Develop a financial analysis of a healthcare delivery organization of your choosing. The intent of this assignment is to evaluate the financial and operational health of the organization and disseminate the information to the class. You may pursue, analyze, and synthesize any information source you choose (e.g., website content, personal interviews, organizational documentation). Strive to be rigorous and thorough in your research.Note: For-profit organizations are generally easier to research than not-for-profits as all financials are reportable to the Securities and Exchange Commission.Upload your completed financial analysis of your chosen healthcare delivery organization. The intent of this assignment is to evaluate the financial and operational health of the organization and disseminate the information to the class.


Healthcare Administrator manage for a Medical Office Manager role at Georgia Plastic & Recon Surgery 

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Interview questions:

Please tell us a little bit about your background and experience.
Please tell us why you are interested in this position and how you can make a difference.
Please tell us about a past accomplishment that you are especially proud of and why.
Please describe a difficult situation you encountered in a previous job and how you resolved it.

I will download my resume for you to give you my career background and experience.

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