To help you understand the relationship between legal decisions and practice for this Discussion you focus on how legal decisions inform clinical mental health counseling practices and impact the counseling profession. As part of this Discussion you search the Walden Library for relevant legal decisions to use as examples.To prepare for this Discussion: In the Learning Resources review the course text chapter and the article Tarasoff and the Duty to Protect. Think about how legal decisions impact the clinical mental health counseling profession. Using the Walden Library search for laws that have influenced the counseling profession using keywords such aslaws counseling legal decisions regarding same-sex marriage abortion elder abuse child abuse teen pregnancy gangs sexual harassment orassisted suicide. Selectone legal decision (excluding Tarasoff) and reflect on how it has impacted the counseling profession.To help you understand the relationship between legal decisions and practice for this Discussion you focus on how legal decisions inform clinical mental health counseling practices and impact the counseling profession. As part of this Discussion you search the Walden Library for relevant legal decisions to use as examples.To prepare for this Discussion: In the Learning Resources review the course text chapter and the article Tarasoff and the Duty to Protect. Think about how legal decisions impact the clinical mental health counseling profession. Using the Walden Library search for laws that have influenced the counseling profession using keywords such aslaws counseling legal decisions regarding same-sex marriage abortion elder abuse child abuse teen pregnancy gangs sexual harassment orassisted suicide. Selectone legal decision (excluding Tarasoff) and reflect on how it has impacted the counseling profession.

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