HLT51612: Reflective Practice, Critical Thinking And Analysis In Health – Nursing Assignment

A nursing theory, also called a nursing model, is a framework developed to guide nurses in how they care for their patients. Often, these 
frameworks define the practice of nursing, identify the role of the nurse, and explain the nursing process as it relates to the idea behind the 
nursing theory. Many nursing theories are created from nurses observations during their own careers, as well as methodologies they 
developed during their individual practice.


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1) The student will be able to demonstrate skills and knowledge required of the Enrolled/Division 2 Nurse to perform nursing practice in a contemporary health environment using critical thinking and analysis and reflective practice.

2) Work with an understanding of the historical and current perspectives of nursing and nurse education

3) Incorporate the theoretical concepts and information related to nursing into practice

4) Identify contemporary issues in nursing and examine their impact on clients and the healthcare environment

5) Utilise appropriate models of nursing care in the healthcare environment

6) Apply professional, legal and ethical standards to nursing practice

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