Issues Surrounding Personal Health Information (PHI) Ownership

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With an electronic health record, what do you see as a positive and a negative consequence of the legislation that enables patients to be able to correct the health information in their records?

a standard principle to encourage patient ownership of their healthcare. This also extends to their personal health information.

Do the patients in your setting able to read/view their medical record? What requirements regarding the electronic health record do you have in place?

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In regards to an electronic health record, what do you see as a positive and a negative consequence of the legislation that enables patients to be able to correct the health information found in their personal health records? What are your feelings related to the practice of patients being allowed to access their own health care records?

Please remember to use your personal experiences and evidence based research to respond to this discussion.


Discuss the likely impact on the health care industry if all health care marketing were to stop tomorrow. Provide specific examples to support your response. Based on what you have learned in Chapter 1, evaluate your potential as the head of marketing for a health care organization of your choice. Explain your rationale by including what you would be good at and what might be a weakness. 

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