Nursing – Clinical Reasoning Cycle – Medical-Surgical Nursing – Case Study Assignment Help

Case :

Melody King, 36, Peritonitis following ruptured appendix:

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Ms. Melody King presented to the Emergency department with 2-3 days of severe Right Lower Quadrant abdominal pain, which required emergency laparoscopic surgery for removal of a ruptured appendix. She has a past medical history of asthma and depression, with her current prescribed and compliant medications list which includes Ventolin, Seretide, Sertraline.

Melody’s observations were as follows:

BP 95/45mmHg

HR 120

Temp 38.3°Celcius

RR 22/min and shallow

SpO2 95% on room air

She complained of increasing nausea and centralised abdominal pain 7-8 on a scale of 0 to10. Physical assessment showed a distended abdomen and generalised abdominal guarding. To investigate her condition further, pathology results reveal a raised white blood cell (WBC) count and CRP. You are the RN caring for Melody post-operatively on the surgical ward.

Task :

Task, will take the form of a case study, in the field of medical-surgical nursing, which discusses the provision of ethical, legal, evidence-based, holistic person-centred care including the establishment of realistic and relevant goals through the theoretical examination of a particular nursing specialty case study using the Clinical Reasoning Cycle (Levett-Jones, 2013).

Utilise the Clinical Reasoning Cycle (Levett-Jones, 2013) (a clinical decision making framework) to plan and evaluate person-centred care:

Considering the person’s situation, collect, process and present related health information;

Identify and prioritise at least three (3) nursing problems/issues based on the health assessment data that you have identified for the person at the centre of care;

Establish goals for priority of nursing care as related to the nursing problem/issues identified;

Discuss the nursing care of the person, link it to assessment data and history;

Evaluate your nursing care strategies to justify the nursing care provided;

Reflect on the person’s outcomes.

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