Nursing theories are tested and systematic ways to implement nursing practice. Select a nursing theory and its conceptual model. Prepare a 10-15 slide PowerPoint in which you describe the nursing theory and its conceptual model and demonstrate its application in nursing practice. Include the following:

1. Present an overview of the nursing theory. Provide evidence that demonstrates support for the model’s efficacy in nursing practice. Explain how the theory proves the conceptual model.

2. Explain how the nursing theory incorporates the four metaparadigm concepts.

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3. Provide three evidence-based examples that demonstrate how the nursing theory supports nursing practice. Provide support and rationale for each.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide.

Do No Harm and Financing for an Aging Population”  Please respond to the following:

· Take a position as to whether or not nursing homes should have the authority to restrain a resident. Next, determine who should be held liable if the resident sustains injuries while being restrained. Provide a rationale for your response.

· Review the video titled “Senator Elizabeth Warren – The Future of Long-Term Care Policy: Continuing the Conversation” (9 min 32 s). Click here to view the video if it is not playing below. Next, describe the fiscal impact of the growth and aging of the population on long-term care services, and take a position as to whether or not the federal government should continue to provide subsidies to offset the cost to families utilizing long-term care services. Provide support for your response.

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