Please read the following introduction and complete the following steps for your initial discussion post:

There are a number of methods for classifying theory in nursing.  These include classification based on range/scope or abstractness (metatheory, grand, middle-range, and practice) and type or purpose of the theory (descriptive, explanatory, predictive, and prescriptive).

Address the following:

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  • Identify one theory that relate to your area of practice.
  • Discuss the type of the selected theory according to scope and purpose.
  • Provide an example of how the selected theory can be applied to your area of practice.  The example should include core elements of the theory and demonstrate its practical application.
  • Be sure to supplement your discussion with your personal and professional experiences.

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis, and include peer reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format. 

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