Assignment 2: The Relationship Between Health and Wealth
There is an apparent relationship between longevity, morbidity, and wealth. Health outcomes improve according to one’s socioeconomic status. The purpose of this assignment is to understand how wealth can impact the health of populations.
Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the relationship between health status and wealth. Then, develop a presentation that includes the following:

Detailed information about what you have learned about the health-wealth gradient in your home state or region. Ensure that you provide relevant facts, figures, and references in support of your information.

Charts and/or graphs that display any relationship between a specific health disparity and income or poverty status.

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Comparison of the relationship between income and poverty status with certain health indicators such as infant mortality, life expectancy, etc. In addition, you can compare the relationship between education status and mortality rates or income and mortality rates; breast cancer mortality and income; cervical cancer mortality and education; and between infant mortality and income, federal poverty level (FPL), or education status.

Develop an 8­–10-slide presentation in PowerPoint format

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