Nursing Ethics Paper on Terri Schiavo

Need an APA paper. No Plagiarism. All Questions Answered. Terri Schiavo article attached.

  1. Submit a paper commenting on the Terri Schiavo case answering the following:

a.      Discuss why you think the decision reached was ethically and morally sound or why you disagree with the decision.b.      What 2015 American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics principles should a nurse in a similar situation evaluate for guidance?c.      Would the case you picked be decided differently today, why or why not?e.      Who speaks for the incapacitated patient in the absence of an advance directive in Florida? (Hint: the answer is in the Advance Directives statute, Part IV)

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2. Criteria:

Student discusses the case and adequately addresses questions #1a through e.: 8pts

Professional Writing: A. Correct grammar, spelling , and professional terms B. Correct APA formatting for paper: 2 pts

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