


Please see attachment with case study, use APA and .edu references. Thank you.

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Actions for Discussion 3: Healthcare Disparities

Your text, Chapter 7, provides compelling discussion on the sociocultural ecologies of disease and illness. With focus on the text’s Case Study: Impacts of a Cultural Ecology: Historical Trauma, American Indians/Alaska Natives, and Health (p. 92-97), discuss this case by sharing perspective on the questions below.

This obviously takes some referencing (minimum of one reference beyond text is required) and expect a good 175-200 words as a guide.

Can you think of any other internal cultural patterns that cause vulnerabilities to disease?

What could the hypothetical Chalmy people do to reduce their malnutrition levels despite the constraints they face?

Edberg (2013) describes the political-economic system is how resources and social benefits are distributed in a society, and more. What are some political-economic circumstances that could impede people from engaging in wellness activities, such as exercise as prevention for diabetes and cardiovascular disease?

What could be done to reduce the health consequences of historical trauma?

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