A basic function of government and a primary goal of the constitution that creates the government is keeping people safe. It is often referred to as exercising “police power.” In the United States, the government’s authority to regulate for the protection of public health and to provide health services is based on police power, which is the power to provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the people.
Public health powers were initially exercised at the state and local levels; currently, the federal government plays a large role in the regulation of public health and the provision of health services.
Considering this, respond to the following:

Where in the US Constitution does the government obtain its authority to regulate public health?
Do you believe the government has the authority to ban things that are believed to be harmful, such as trans-fats? Why or why not?

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Imagine you have each been promoted as part of a new management team for a long-term care facility. During the past two months, you have noticed an increase in conflicts between your co-workers and other departments, such as pharmacy or dietary. Your boss sees this as an issue and has asked your management team to find a solution.

Create a 2 – to 3-slide (in addition to the title slide and reference slide) Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes that addresses the following:

What elements are found in an effective health care work group?

Cite a minimum of 3 references.

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