Question Description

Your term paper should explore a recognized DSM-V disorder. Some disorders that appear in childhood should be avoided as this course focus is on adulthood psychopathology.

See list. – Your paper should address the following:

A definitive clinical picture of the disorder you are researching. (Short description).

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You should include the following:


Prevalence rates – one line

Cultural variables – Is this a Western bound disorder or is it found all over the world such as schizophrenia?

Age of onset. What is the average age when symptoms appear that lead to a diagnosis?

Gender features (ex. Bipolar is equally common among men and women; major depression is seen 2X more in women then in men etc.)

Etiology ( e.g. Is it due to biology e.g. schizophrenia, bipolar, or is it trauma based or a combination?)

Course (will it be a lifelong chronic course e.g. schizophrenia or relatively short episodes e.g. depression?)

Current treatment -What is the most effective treatment for your chosen disorder?

Prognosis of the disorder you are researching. What is the end result you expect to see with regard to the symptom picture? E.g. What would the symptom picture look like when the person is 70. E.g. Would the client still have to be on medication

– Must have within text citations. THIS IS A MUST

– Articles, the DSM-V, books, and online sources are fine BUT NO WIKAPEDIA.

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