Structured Formative Literacy Activities: Academic Paragraphing

· Students will submit the structured formative literacy activities for this assessment as an academic paragraphing reflection paper (1200 words) based on learning from the summaries and unit content.You will be provided with six (6) designated extracts taken from the weekly chapter readings in the essential texts for this Unit.In addition to the six (6)designated extracts for your academic paragraphing reflection paper, you will need to summarise and include two (2) relevant, reliable and current sources to support your ideas, one (1) from a nursing journal article, and one (1) from a reputable Website report or source. Allsources used in your assessment must be referenced using APA 6th both in-text and in the separate reference list submitted with your paper.

For extract 5

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( self reflection in nursing) journal article

Bagay, Joann Marie

Journal of Professional Nursing, 2012, Vol.28(2), pp.130-131 [Peer Reviewed Journal]

reflective questions of themselves and their patients. This posture in nursing will… planet. This reflection is written by someone who has practiced nursing

For extract 3

Professional communication ( I got the source from this link)

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