· Read chapter 11 of the class textbook attached as reference 

· Review the attached PowerPoint presentation. 

· Once done work on the following exercises;

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Culture, Family, and Community

1. Write a one-page summary on the role of the family in the care and health of patients.

· Include a discussion of the dynamics of family and culture related to health beliefs and community health.

· Identify a few cultures that have male heads of family who make decisions for all family members.

2. Write a paragraph on how to establish health screening for hypertension in a community center such as a church or park district.

· What are the primary planning issues to consider while planning the health screening? How can you ensure that the screening was effective?

· Search for a website that advertises for a health fair or health intervention in a community site. 

3. Write a one-paragraph summary.

Present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12. 

Check in Turnitin to verify originality

A minimum of 3 evidence-based references besides the class textbook must be used. 

A minimum of 700 words in total is required

Please make sure to follow the instructions as given.

  • Culturalnursingchapter_11.pptx
  • CultureFamilyandCommunitychapter11.docx

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