Develop a position statement regarding whether you would consider participating in a clinical trial related to heart disease.  Simply look at the pros and cons to determine which would persuade your decision and write 3-4 paragraphs to defend your position. Be sure to include at least one citation to support your work.


Heart Disease Assignment

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  1. Review the following websites to gain an understanding of the #1 threat to women:     Explore You’re the Cure to gain better understanding.

  1. Review the booklet: with close review of page 31.
  2. Read the following to become more aware of the historical disparity in clinical trial that have likely had impact ;on the diagnosing and treatment of heart disease in women.  

Women make up just over half the US population and should not be considered a special, minority population, but rather an equal gender whose health needs require equal research efforts as those for men. Historically, however, the health needs of women, apart from reproductive concerns, have lagged in medical research. In 1985, the Public Health Service Task Force on Women’s Health Issues concluded that “the historical lack of research focus on women’s health concerns has compromised the quality of health information available to women as well as the health care they receive.” Since the publication of that report, there has been a transformation in women’s health research—including changes in government support of research, in policies, in regulations, and in organization—that has resulted in the generation of new scientific knowledge about women’s health. Offices on women’s health have been established in a number of government agencies.1Government reports and reports from other organizations, including the Institute of Medicine (IOM), have highlighted the need for, and tracked the progress of, the inclusion of women in health research. A number of nongovernment organizations have also provided leadership in research in women’s health. And women as advocates, research subjects, researchers, clinicians, administrators, and US representatives and senators have played a major role in building a women’s health movement. A number of non-governmental organizations have also provided leadership in research in women’s health. And women as advocates, research subjects, researchers, clinicians, administrators, and US representatives and senators have played a major role in building a women’s health movement.  

Institute Of Medicine, Committee on Women’s Health Research (2010). Women’s Health Research: Progress, Pitfalls, and Promises.

4.  Review: then develop a position statement regarding whether you would consider participating in a clinical trial related to heart disease.  Simply look at the pros and cons to determine which would persuade your decision and write 3-4 paragraphs to defend your position. Be sure to include at least one citation to support your work.


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