The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) and Health Belief Model (HBM) are the two most widely used theories of individual health behavior change because both are practical, intuitive, and easily applied. Some situations could use both theories, and you may find that both have similarities. Still, there are important differences.

To prepare for this Assignment, select a chronic or infectious disease (heart disease or lung cancer), apply both models, and decide which of the two provides the best model for behavior change in your particular case.

The Assignment (4 pages and 5 refernces):

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  • Compare (similarities and differences) the theoretical constructs of the Transtheoretical Model and the Health Belief Model.
  • Apply each of these models to the chronic or infectious disease you selected. Include a diagram or table to illustrate the application of each model.
  • Explain which model is more appropriate to bring about positive health change for the disease you selected and justify your choice.

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