Assignment Overview

For this assignment, you will answer questions about a client named Mr. Smith. You will analyze the dietary needs and risks for patients who are at risk for heart disease. Using your textbook and the internet you will identify the best recommendations, risks, and needs of a patient in Mr. Smith’s condition, based on the questions asked. You are required to include citations of your references.

This assignment is intended to explore differences between macronutrient and micronutrient concepts and describe their physiological functioning. Additionally, you will apply human nutritional theories and relevant research to formulate nutritional assessments and describe nutritional requirements corresponding to stages in the life span. You will also examine how effective nutritional counseling is contingent upon collaboration, organization, and concurrence among the members of the health care team.

Case Study:

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Mr. Andrew Smith is a 50-year-old male, 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 265 lbs. He has gained 30 pounds in the past year. He has been diagnosed with heart disease. Testing revealed his total cholesterol is 225 mg/dL, and blood pressure is 150/95. Mr. Smith eats a diet that is high in saturated and trans fats. He also complains of shortness of breath when climbing stairs. Mr. Smith meets with his physician and is started on atorvastatin. Mr. Smith is concerned because he has never taken anything besides over-the-counter medicines before. He would like to explore dietary interventions to improve his heart health.

Assignment Details:

Perform the following tasks:

· Complete the reading assignment before attempting this assignment.

· Please review your reading for this week as well as the Case Study located in Week 9 of your online course.

· Use your text and the internet to respond (in approximately 250 words) to the following (provide your responses in the Assignment Worksheet section on page 2):

· Based on what you learned about Mr. Smith in your interview, briefly explain his modifiable risk factors for heart disease.

· Based on your client’s height and weight, what is his current body mass index? Based on his current BMI, how many pounds should your client lose to achieve a healthy weight?

· Discuss the recommendations that you would make for Mr. Smith’s fat intake (in grams) What foods should be limited to restrict saturated and trans fat intake (list 5)?

· Discuss heart healthy fats. What foods should be included to increase your clients intake of heart healthy fats? (list 5)?

· Briefly discuss three nutritional interventions that you would suggest to your client to improve his heart health.

· Submit the Week 9 Assignment via Blackboard by clicking on the “Week 9 Assignment” link.

· Include the proper file naming convention: SCI115_wk9_assn_jsmith_mmddyyyy.

Refer to the Writing Conventions in the Written Assignment Rubric for detailed grading information.


Gradable items in assignmentPoints
Explain risk factors for heart disease.10
Discussion of clients Body Mass Index5
Discussion of saturated and trans fats5
Discussion of heart healthy fats5
Three dietary interventions for heart disease10
Adhere to the Writing Conventions.5
Total Points40

Assignment Worksheet:

Respond to the following (in approximately 250 words) in the spaces provided:

· Based on what you learned about Mr. Smith in your interview, briefly explain his modifiable risk factors for heart disease.

[Write your response here…]

· Based on your client’s height and weight, what is your clients body mass index (BMI)?

[Write your response here…]

· Discuss the recommendations that you would make for Mr. Smith’s intake of dietary fat. What foods should be limited in the diet (list 5)? Which heart healthy fats should be included? (list 5)

[Write your response here…]

· List three nutritional interventions that would improve the heart health of your client.

[Write your response here…]

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