You will read the provided essay topic, noting carefully all the pertinent issues to address. You will then write an essay of at least 600 words (excluding the title page and reference page), drawing information from this course, scholarly articles, outside readings, and presentations for that module/week. The essay must be strongly supported with proper citations of 2–3 current, scholarly references in current APA format. These references must be less than 10 years old. DO NOT write opinions, but support your answers to the questions with your readings.
Addiction in Adolescence 
In addition to your readings and presentations for this module/week, research at least 2 scholarly articles that discusses abuse of substances and addiction in adolescence. What is the current research saying in regards to addiction/abuse, resilience in this population, and what interventions may counteract abuse of substances and addictions in this population? Also discuss how healthy spiritual development may affect the likelihood of use/abuse/addiction in adolescent years. Discuss local news coverage of alcohol or drug-related stories to adolescent use in your area. Give details on the prevalence of addiction based on your readings and the news stories. Are differing viewpoints considered, analyzed, and treated?

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