
Joyce is a 65-year-old school nurse who has recently retired from an elementary school. She is beginning to feel rather lonely now that she is no longer working. She is a widow with adult children living out of the area. Her children have suggested that she may want to move to their city and to be closer to her grandchildren. She has been avoiding these discussions with her family and tells them all is fine. Moving seems like a major upheaval to her. Although she has been in fair health physically, at her last visit to the health care provider, she had lost 10 pounds and is just below her desired weight.

See the link to the Overview of the Nursing Process document to assist with this assignment.

Initial Discussion Post:

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Select a developmental theory presented in this module and apply it to the scenario above. Use the chosen theory to address the following:

  • Explain Joyce’s behavior.
  • State two (2) priority nursing concerns and related nursing interventions for her.

Base your initial post on your readings and research of this topic. Your initial post must contain a minimum of 250 words. References, citations, and repeating the question do not count towards the 250 word minimum.

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