The community college instructor has asked for your help again. This time, he has asked for you to personally create a document he could give to his students. Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper in which you: Explain the ways financial information is used in health care organizations. Explain the use of the financial statement analysis as a method to address financial issues. Analyze the effects of unusual or irregular items on financial statements. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your paper.Conduct a well research and give relevant information about the toipic.


Research Study Proposal–Part II: Literature Review and Research Questions PLEASE READ THE ATTACHED!!!!! PART 1 is needed for this question…. Resource: Ch. 3 of Introduction to Health Research Methods (Jacobsen, K.H. (2017). Introduction to health research methods: A practical guide (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.) Create a research question related to your problem statement and then conduct a literature review. Conduct background reading on your topic. Select at least five research articles related to your problem statement. Create a 1,050- to 1,500-word summary of the articles that best support your research question. Introduction and conclusion. Be sure to: 1) Discuss components of a research study. 2) Determine validity of study. 3) Discuss strengths and weaknesses. 4) Determine future research needs. Resource: Ch. 3 of Introduction to Health Research Methods (Jacobsen, K.H. (2017). Introduction to health research methods: A practical guide (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.) Cite your sources according to APA format. References and plagiarism free.

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