Role of Program Planners and Policy Makers in Health Promotion

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Your comments will be graded on how well they meet the Discussion Requirements posted under “Before You Begin.”

Module 4 discusses the importance of program evaluation. Drawing from the required readings, as well as your own personal and/or professional health-related experiences, what are the pros and cons for conducting program evaluation?

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Drawing from your module readings, as well as your personal/professional experiences, evaluate and discuss the effectiveness of utilizing comprehensive strategies in decreasing tobacco use and increasing physical activity. of Program Planners and Policy Makers in Health Promotion

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Your comments will be graded on how well they meet the Discussion Requirements posted under “Before You Begin.”

Module 4 discusses the importance of program evaluation. Drawing from the required readings, as well as your own personal and/or professional health-related experiences, what are the pros and cons for conducting program evaluation?

Drawing from your module readings, as well as your personal/professional experiences, evaluate and discuss the effectiveness of utilizing comprehensive strategies in decreasing tobacco use and increasing physical activity.

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