ASSESSMENT Brief (specific)

Summative (final) assessment comprises of a 4,000 words (3 parts): 

Part 1 (1,000 words) – historical concepts

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Using two examples, critically analyse historical and contemporary approaches to mental health. 

Discuss one example of socio-economic influences on mental health 

Part 2 – Case study (specific) (2,000words)

Select one of the case studies provided Place this in the appendix in your assessment).

· Analyse the case study, and identify a possible diagnosis from the description provided, justifying reasons for selecting the type of mental health problem. Link with available literature. 

· Discuss the possible forms of treatment and intervention and how the person can be supported, taking into considerations the available mental health services in the U.K.. 

· Discuss the implications of this diagnosis for the person concerned, including any potential risks.

· Critically reflect on how current policy and legislation would define best practice to meet the holistic needs of this service user.

Part 3 – Reflection (1,000 words)

Using Gibbs’ Model, reflect on how the case study you have discussed could develop and inform your practice when working and /or caring for individuals with mental health issues. What have you learned from undertaking this case study?

Specific Assessment Criteria:

(Please note that the General Assessment Criteria will also apply. Please see section 15)

Secondary Research Level HE6 – it is expected that your reference list will contain 15-20 relevant sources. As a MINIMUM the reference list should include 3 refereed academic journal articles and 5 academic books.

  • 201819ContmehealthModuleGuideTemplate2018-19.docxv2.docx
  • 201819AssessmentAssignmentPlantemplateforMoodle81.docx
  • ReflectiveCycleGibbs_CUMBRIA_uNIVERSITY1.pdf
  • FormativeAssessmentAssignmentPlantemplateforMoodle.docx
  • dh_076512.pdf
  • 2000WHO_suicide.pdf
  • Understandingandpreventingsuicide-apsychologicalperspective.pdf
  • Preventing-Suicide-in-England-A-cross-government-outcomes-strategy-to-save-livestwoyears2015.pdf
  • Preventing-Suicide-in-England-A-cross-government-outcomes-strategy-to-save-lives.pdf
  • POWERPOINTWEEK5201819v2CH.pptx
  • week4current201819Chepworth.pptx

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