This paper moves you from a nursing situation to a PICOT question and finally reading some evidence. Research and evidence-based practice starts with questions. These questions can be identified through nursing situations. For this assignment, you will identify and describe a nursing situation in which you have recognized a problem in your nursing practice. The problem must be something that you see consistently, such as central line infections. Next, develop one PICOT question (see p. 30, Box 2.1 templates for a PICOT Question).  The types of PICOT questions include intervention, prognoses/prediction, diagnosis or diagnostic test, etiology, and meaning.Next you find an EBP publication and provide a short summary. 

This FINAL Paper is graded for points using a Rubric. The faculty provides comment. The TURNITIN report provides you feedback with grammar edits and a similarity report.

You can review the TURNITIN report.  A good paper for a writer scholar is less than 25% match in the similarity report.

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** Attached includes: Rubric to Follow & My PICOT Question to base this paper on.

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