ASSIGNMENT: “Managed healthcare and multi cultural diversity

  1. Provide definitions for our team’s contemporary issues (Managed healthcare and multi-cultural diversity).
  • You are responsible for providing a minimum of  2 slides.
    • Each slide must include informationgraphics, and slide notes which align with APA standards.
    • You are responsible for submitting your formatted references.
    • You must utilize at least one peer-reviewed publication.
  1. Provide information as to ONE potential challenge in treatment options, as they relate to Managed healthcare.
  • You are responsible for providing a minimum of 1 slide.
    • Each slide must include informationgraphics, and slide notes which align with APA standards.
    • You are responsible for submitting your formatted references.



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e-Health” •Compare the key similarities and differences between the concepts of telemedicine, tele-care, and tele-health. Provide an example of how each method is affecting the quality of today’s health care services on a global scale. •Create an argument that e-Health has significant economic benefits to its users. Provide support for your argument.

“e-Health Trends and Challanges” •Suggest the stakeholder group that will benefit the most from e-Health. Provide support for your rationale. •From the e-Activity, determine a significant barrier to the advancement of e-Health models in the delivery of patient care. Suggest how this barrier can be minimized. Provide a rationale for your determination.

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