Political Awareness Paper in Nursing

  • Select a professional organization in the nursing industry.
  • Research a current political issue addressed through the organization.
  • Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you explain how nurse leaders can use professional organizations to stay aware of political actions in the nursing and health care industry and the importance of doing so.
  • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Content3 points possiblePoints availablePoints earned
·       Explains how nurse leaders use professional organizations to stay informed of political actions in the nursing and health care industry.1 
·       Discusses importance of maintaining awareness of political actions related to the nursing and health care industry.2 
Format2 points possiblePoints availablePoints earned
·       Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation·       Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow·       Consistent with APA guidelines for formatting and citation of outside works2 

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