Codes of Ethics

In the healthcare field, different groups of healthcare professionals adhere to their own codes of ethics. All healthcare professionals are duty-bound to follow a strict code of ethics. This has been true since the fourth or fifth century, when the Hippocratic Oath was penned. While the code has changed with the times, the code of ethics still dictates a commitment both to patients and to other healthcare professionals.

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  • Research two different codes of ethics for any two groups of healthcare professionals. You can research groups, such as nurses, physicians, and allied health professionals.
  • Compare and contrast the codes of ethics. What are the major similarities between the two codes and what are the major differences?
  • Consider the issue of how to triage patients in times when hospitals are overwhelmed as a result of a disaster situation. Use the codes of ethics from each of your two selected groups to explain how the dilemma could be resolved while adhering to the group’s codes of ethics.

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