Question Description

Adittional information for the paper

This assignment will demonstrate your knowledge of the nursing research process by critiquing published research articles in a systematic manner. The assignment will show your understanding of the components of research and the procedures necessary to implement the research process.

The assignment does not have to be in a paper format. Using the posted criteria, write each question and respond to it based on the article you’re critiquing.

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Question Description

Hello Students! I hope you will have a fabulous Sunday.

For the following two questions please write at least 3 paragraphs each. Be sure to explore and read more than one reference and include it in your references. Please only utilize word documents so that I can open the document.


1. Do you view nursing as a career or a job? What are your professional goals related to nursing?

2. Describe the steps you would take to prepare yourself to interview for your ideal future Nursing role?Hello Students! I hope you will have a fabulous Sunday.

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